Further Future

Further Future is a transformational festival held in southern Nevada. The Further Future model is, “a shared experience that’s beyond our future,” and, "promises a carefully curated slate of, business and cultural leaders, chefs, mixologists and masseuses". Further Future caters to a techie club of invitation only exclusives in a controlled setting. Further Future's membership is currently at 4000-5000 and is structured around a corporate retreat setting. Further Future, located on the Moapa River Indian Reservation, claims to offers an "all inclusive" festival experience, different than the, "vanish and leave no trace" principles instilled in those who participate in Burning Man. Further Future, now in its second year, was conceived by its founder Robert Scott, of Robot Heart. Further Fu

Further Future

Further Future is a transformational festival held in southern Nevada. The Further Future model is, “a shared experience that’s beyond our future,” and, "promises a carefully curated slate of, business and cultural leaders, chefs, mixologists and masseuses". Further Future caters to a techie club of invitation only exclusives in a controlled setting. Further Future's membership is currently at 4000-5000 and is structured around a corporate retreat setting. Further Future, located on the Moapa River Indian Reservation, claims to offers an "all inclusive" festival experience, different than the, "vanish and leave no trace" principles instilled in those who participate in Burning Man. Further Future, now in its second year, was conceived by its founder Robert Scott, of Robot Heart. Further Fu