Jerónimo Martins

Jerónimo Martins SGPS, SA (JM) is a Portuguese corporate group that operates in food distribution and consumer products manufacturing. It operates around 3,600 stores in Portugal, Poland, and Colombia. The group is the majority owner of Jerónimo Martins Retail (JMR), which operates the Pingo Doce super- and hypermarket chain in Portugal. JMR has been run as a 51%-49% joint venture with the Dutch firm Ahold since 1992; in November 2006 Ahold announced its intention to sell its interest but it continues to search for a buyer as of 2009.

Jerónimo Martins

Jerónimo Martins SGPS, SA (JM) is a Portuguese corporate group that operates in food distribution and consumer products manufacturing. It operates around 3,600 stores in Portugal, Poland, and Colombia. The group is the majority owner of Jerónimo Martins Retail (JMR), which operates the Pingo Doce super- and hypermarket chain in Portugal. JMR has been run as a 51%-49% joint venture with the Dutch firm Ahold since 1992; in November 2006 Ahold announced its intention to sell its interest but it continues to search for a buyer as of 2009.