Louis Cyr (film)

Louis Cyr (French: Louis Cyr, l'homme le plus fort du monde) is a 2013 Canadian drama film. A biopic directed by Daniel Roby, the film stars Antoine Bertrand as Canadian strongman Louis Cyr. The film is based on a novel by Paul Ohl. Its cast also includes Gilbert Sicotte, Rose-Maïté Erkoreka, Guillaume Cyr, Gil Bellows, Eliane Gagnon, Normand Carrière, Amélie Grenier, Cliff Saunders and Marilyn Castonguay.

Louis Cyr (film)

Louis Cyr (French: Louis Cyr, l'homme le plus fort du monde) is a 2013 Canadian drama film. A biopic directed by Daniel Roby, the film stars Antoine Bertrand as Canadian strongman Louis Cyr. The film is based on a novel by Paul Ohl. Its cast also includes Gilbert Sicotte, Rose-Maïté Erkoreka, Guillaume Cyr, Gil Bellows, Eliane Gagnon, Normand Carrière, Amélie Grenier, Cliff Saunders and Marilyn Castonguay.