(For the mathematical research institute, see St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences.) PDMI (Portable Digital Media Interface) is an interconnection standard for portable media players. It has been developed by CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) as ANSI/CEA-2017-A standard Common Interconnection for Portable Media Players in February 2010. Chaired by David McLauchlan from Microsoft, the standard was developed with the input or support of over fifty consumer electronics companies worldwide.


(For the mathematical research institute, see St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences.) PDMI (Portable Digital Media Interface) is an interconnection standard for portable media players. It has been developed by CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) as ANSI/CEA-2017-A standard Common Interconnection for Portable Media Players in February 2010. Chaired by David McLauchlan from Microsoft, the standard was developed with the input or support of over fifty consumer electronics companies worldwide.