Playboys gang

Playboys 13 Gang, also known by the short name PBS13, is a violent, predominantly Hispanic street gang in West and East Los Angeles, California. They sometimes use the name Conejo or Rabbit gang. They align themselves with the Mexican Mafia, also known as La eme (which is Spanish for the letter M), while in prison and set aside their rivalry with other Sureño gangs. In some areas they refer to their houses and meeting or hang out areas as rabbit holes.

Playboys gang

Playboys 13 Gang, also known by the short name PBS13, is a violent, predominantly Hispanic street gang in West and East Los Angeles, California. They sometimes use the name Conejo or Rabbit gang. They align themselves with the Mexican Mafia, also known as La eme (which is Spanish for the letter M), while in prison and set aside their rivalry with other Sureño gangs. In some areas they refer to their houses and meeting or hang out areas as rabbit holes.