
Rahat (Hebrew: רַהַט, Arabic: رهط‎‎) is a predominantly Bedouin city in the South District of Israel. In 2015 it had a population of 62,415. As such, it is the largest Bedouin settlement in the world, and the only one in Israel to have city status. It is one of seven Bedouin townships in the Negev desert with approved plans and developed infrastructure (other six are Hura, Tel as-Sabi (Tel Sheva), Ar'arat an-Naqab (Ar'ara BaNegev), Lakiya, Kuseife (Kseife) and Shaqib al-Salam (Segev Shalom).


Rahat (Hebrew: רַהַט, Arabic: رهط‎‎) is a predominantly Bedouin city in the South District of Israel. In 2015 it had a population of 62,415. As such, it is the largest Bedouin settlement in the world, and the only one in Israel to have city status. It is one of seven Bedouin townships in the Negev desert with approved plans and developed infrastructure (other six are Hura, Tel as-Sabi (Tel Sheva), Ar'arat an-Naqab (Ar'ara BaNegev), Lakiya, Kuseife (Kseife) and Shaqib al-Salam (Segev Shalom).