Yew Piney Mountain

Yew Piney Mountain is part of the canonical Appalachian music tradition which has been highly influential in American fiddle tradition generally, including its old time fiddle and bluegrass fiddle branches. According to Alan Jabbour at The Digital Library of Appalachia, the tune was called at one time Blackberry Blossom until that title was taken over by a different tune. The earlier Blackberry Blossom, as played by Sanford Kelly from Morgan County,is what is now called Yew Piney Mountain. which is now represented by the tune "Yew Piney Mountain". Differing from Jabbour, however, another influential secondary source, Andrew Kuntz's Fiddler's Companion asserts that the tunes are related Contradicting Jabbour, who clearly distinguishes the earlier version, is the account of Andrew Kuntz to t

Yew Piney Mountain

Yew Piney Mountain is part of the canonical Appalachian music tradition which has been highly influential in American fiddle tradition generally, including its old time fiddle and bluegrass fiddle branches. According to Alan Jabbour at The Digital Library of Appalachia, the tune was called at one time Blackberry Blossom until that title was taken over by a different tune. The earlier Blackberry Blossom, as played by Sanford Kelly from Morgan County,is what is now called Yew Piney Mountain. which is now represented by the tune "Yew Piney Mountain". Differing from Jabbour, however, another influential secondary source, Andrew Kuntz's Fiddler's Companion asserts that the tunes are related Contradicting Jabbour, who clearly distinguishes the earlier version, is the account of Andrew Kuntz to t