Event ID list. Two main catego ...... nown Event and Un-known event.
data:Provenance uses r4r:Prove ...... ata publishing in data.odw.tw.
A derivation data extracted so ...... versions (ex. r1, r2, r3...).
A derivation data extracted so ...... rivation data (refined data).
List of the mapped resource fr ...... e Encyclopaedia of Life (EOL).
Directory of data classified in theme (currently in 14 domains)
Statements of refined semantic ...... t with namespace: r1, r2,r3...
A vocabulary used in the linke ...... ns can be traced in this class
Records of item collections organized and curated in a systematic order.
Type of resource ID in data.odw.tw.
Interpretation from common knowledge vocabulary like Schema.org.
The conceptual model incorpora ...... domain knowledge vocabularies.
Context is contextualized by common or domain knowledge vocabularies.
The Core Model is responsible ...... lishing at the Open Data Web.
voc:DataModel represents key d ...... ion and provenance statements.
A data resource obtains someth ...... ource through specific rules.
Interpretation from domain kno ...... ) and Darwin Core Terms (dwc).
A main concept to relate peopl ...... entity with time descriptions.
Event concept is being recogni ...... involved in a specific event.
voc:Objects are groups of SKOS concepts for event's factors and products.
Data curated and published in ...... ng of articles, data and code.
A concept to combine agent, pe ...... t spatio-temporal description.
Place combines concepts like P ...... wn event locate in some place.
Original resources which support the derivation of data.
Time combines concepts like te ...... n event happened at some time.
Event concept not or not yet b ...... cription of the primary data.
URL of the resource from http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/
Agent ID, and are mostly mapped with wikidata ID.
Unknown Event ID.
9 event types are in current d ...... ent Id like evt84:digPub-dOID.
Project ID, and are mostly mapped with wikidata ID.
The main data ID, the starting ...... t original catalog metadata.
Provenance resource ID, and normally with date information about its generation time.
In the Corer Model, the Refine ...... ts to interpret its meanings.
This document describes an ont ...... according to users’ context.
The original sources, most of time are from the original data creators.