CBS ontologie
PersonLink Ontology
CONTSEM ontology
ontologia CONTSEM
Ontology for Cloud Computing instances
Vocabulary for prices options in Cloud Computing Services
Vocabulary for Regions and Zones on Cloud Computing
SLA and SLO for Cloud Computing Services
Ontologie des unités administratives de l'IGN
Ontologie des primitives géométriques
Ontologie des systèmes de coordonnées de référence
Ontology of coordinates reference systems
Ontologie des éléments du territoire et de ses infrastructures de l'IGN
Ontologie du Service Public
Vocabulary for Dataset Publication Projects
SNaP Asset Ontology
SNaP Classification Ontology
SNaP Event Ontology
SNaP Identifier Ontology
SNaP Stuff Ontology
SNaP Tag Ontology
Semantic Web Conference Ontology
The DBpedia Ontology
PoderVocab: A vocabulary for Poderopedia
PoderVocab: Un vocabulario para Poderopedia
DogOnt: Ontology Modeling for Intelligent Domotic Environments
EUPont: an ontology for End User Programming of the IoT
EPrints Ontology
Relations for Reusing (R4R) Ontology
The Knowledge Diversity Ontology
SmartProducts Food Domain Model
Vocabulary of endpoint status (availability, responseTime)
Linking Ancient World Data Ontology
The Linked Earth Ontology
Vocabulary for Linked Data Visualization Model
Corporate Financial Reports and Loans Ontology
Transport Administration Ontology
Vehicle Emissions Ontology