The ERADIS and ERATV datasets contain information traintypes and certificates. It is necessary for each traintype to have a valid certificate when the trains drives over the tracks. This way a traintype if held to certain standards and can be used to transport goods over the traintrack. To check if a traintype is allowed on a track a check must be performed to check if a train has certain certificates. This dataset holds the data to check for traintypes and their certificates.

The Document Components Ontology (DoCO) in an ontology that provides a structured vocabulary written of document components, both structural (e.g., block, inline, paragraph, section, chapter) and rhetorical (e.g., introduction, discussion, acknowledgements, reference list, figure, appendix).

Version: 1.3.0

DEO, The Discourse Elements Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL that provides a structured vocabulary for rhetorical elements within documents (e.g. Introduction, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Reference List, Figures, Appendix), enabling these to be described in RDF. It uses some of the rhetorical block elements from the SALT Rhetorical Ontology and the Ontology of Rhetorical Blocks.

Version: 2015-07-03