de-DE: Geschalteter Teil des Signalbegriffes.
Information for labelling the balise group.
Balise group function for level 2
Balise group type is an index that refers to a predefined telegram set.
Extra location info on the BG label.
This is a façade to the n ...... as communication participant.
Informs about the communicatio ...... sätzlich zu schalten ist.
de-DE: Gleisbezogener Gefahrraum
Meta information about an indi ...... supplier. de-DE: Lieferobjekt
Designation of DB track assets ...... >nameOnSite = 60W5</li> </ul>
Points has no distinct position that offers flank protection. de-DE: Zwieschutz
The balise group is used in th ...... De: sonstiges Anwendungssystem
Set of properties that apply to DB points and crossings.