A point or period of time asso ...... /www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime].
has date
A unique and unambiguous refer ...... formal identification system.
has identifier
Date of formal issuance of a resource (e.g. a publication or a patent).
has issue date
A name given to a resource. T ...... he resource is formally known.
has title
A brief summary of a work on a ...... service such as CAB Abstracts.
A document containing the prog ...... sented at an academic meeting.
academic proceedings
An analog item is an exemplar ...... paper, vinyl discs and films.
A real object that is an exemp ...... rland', that a person may own.
analog item
A manifestation in an analog form.
analog manifestation
A means of storing information ...... deo recordings) or vinyl disc.
analog storage medium
A formal statement about something.
A collection of selected liter ...... ies, plays or research papers.