Tina Trillitzsch

Member since Apr 29th, 2021


Created 2 years ago, 1 version

Get bike basic data, including type

Also gets both english and german label at the same time, but in separate variables

Created 3 years ago, 5 versions

Query Thesaurus for Updates

This generates a list of terms added between 2016 and 2021. Save as CSV, convert to JSON (https://csvjson.com/csv2json) and load into List.js: https://codepen.io/schlawiner/pen/VwWBWzM

Easier way: Download the JSON file provided by the API call as "terms-update.json", move it into the /static/ folder of psyndex.de and let it be processed by List.js on the psyndex.de thesaurus page.

Created 3 years ago, 3 versions


Created 3 years ago, 1 version

Infos über einzelnen Artikel eines bestimmten Zeitschriftenhefts

Bezieht seine Daten aus den verschiedenen WEMI-Teilen des Artikels und seiner verbundenen Entitäten:

  • Werk, Expression und Manifestation des Artikels (jeweils Titel, übergreifendes Heft/Journal, DOI)
  • Expression und Manifestation des Heftes (Journal Issue),
  • Expression des Journals

Bündelt alles in einem zusammenfassenden Kärtchen.

Created 3 years ago, 2 versions

get _current_ publisher of a specific journal

Traverses the graph from Journal to Publisher via all the Issues of the Journal, their Manifestations and their publishers, then only shows the publisher of the Issue Manifestation with the most current publication date.

Created 3 years ago, 2 versions


Created 3 years ago, 1 version