
Use to indicate that an Entity has a relation to a Location. Use a structured value to indicate a specific role of this Entity (e.g. Person) to the Location or to specify a temporal validity in which this Entity-Location relation is valid (use `sem` timestamp properties for this). Example: ```ttl :person1 a roar:PersonObservation ; roar:hasLocation [ rdf:value :location1 ; roar:role "resident" ; sem:hasBeginTimeStamp "1782-11-20" ; sem:hasEarliestEndTimesStamp "1782-11-20" ] . ```


Use to indicate that an Entity has a relation to a Location. Use a structured value to indicate a specific role of this Entity (e.g. Person) to the Location or to specify a temporal validity in which this Entity-Location relation is valid (use `sem` timestamp properties for this). Example: ```ttl :person1 a roar:PersonObservation ; roar:hasLocation [ rdf:value :location1 ; roar:role "resident" ; sem:hasBeginTimeStamp "1782-11-20" ; sem:hasEarliestEndTimesStamp "1782-11-20" ] . ```