A set of RDF triples that are published, maintained or aggregated by a single provider.
A collection of RDF links between two void:Datasets.
A technical feature of a void:Dataset, such as a supported RDF serialization format.
One of the two datasets linked by the Linkset.
A web resource whose foaf:primaryTopic or foaf:topics include void:Datasets.
The rdfs:Class that is the rdf:type of all entities in a class-based partition.
A subset of a void:Dataset that contains only the entities of a certain rdfs:Class.
The total number of distinct c ...... f:type triples in the dataset.
An RDF dump, partial or complete, of a void:Dataset.
The total number of distinct o ...... ls are included in this count.
The total number of distinct s ...... ion of triples in the dataset.
The total number of documents, ...... be preferred where practical.
The total number of entities that are described in a void:Dataset.
Points to the void:Dataset that a document is a part of.
The dataset describing the objects of the triples contained in the Linkset.
An OpenSearch description document for a free-text search service over a void:Dataset.
The total number of distinct p ...... ion of triples in the dataset.
The rdf:Property that is the predicate of all triples in a property-based partition.
A subset of a void:Dataset that contains only the triples of a certain rdf:Property.
A top concept or entry point f ...... es in a small number of steps.
The dataset describing the subjects of triples contained in the Linkset.
The total number of triples contained in a void:Dataset.
Defines a simple URI look-up protocol for accessing a dataset.
Defines a regular expression pattern matching URIs in the dataset.
A URI that is a common string prefix of all the entity URIs in a void:Dataset.
A vocabulary that is used in the dataset.