Adjusted Mean Change From Base ...... 7 Items) Total Score at Week 8
Number of Participants With Overall Response (OR), as Assessed by the Investigator
Overall response rate of initial treatment with SCH 727965 in subjects with AML or ALL.
7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence verified by saliva cotinine taken
Antibody Concentrations Against Pneumococcal Vaccine Serotypes
Time to Last Unformed Stool (TTLUS)
6-month Progression-free Survival
HAMD-17 total score at week 8. Tolerability.
Persistance and adherence to treatment
Modified Mayo Score indicating remission
Primary Safety Outcome as assessed by Incidence of serious adverse device effects
MTD of semaxanib defined as th ...... ience dose limiting toxicities
General Procrastination Scale (Lay, 1986)
Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI)
pressure pain threshold (PPT) in Kilogram-force (Kgf)
Treatment of clinically suspected UTI
Changes in the Edinburgh Postn ...... ntenatal to 10 weeks postnatal
All outcome measures were collected when child turned 2 years old.
Progression of radiographic da ...... t baseline and after one year.
Percentage of Participants reach objective response
Reduction in Number of Preconception Risks
Total skeletal muscle mass
Tumor metabolic response via FDG-PET at 4 weeks after chemotherapy
To determine the rate of local ...... guided and standard biopsies.
Efficacy measured by the propo ...... cording to primary indication.
Confirmed tumor response as measured by RECIST criteria
response rate (complete and partial remissions, antileukemic effect)
Mean daytime ambulatory systolic blood pressure
Mattis dementia rating scale
Within group difference in Glucagon-like Peptide 1 secretion (evaluated by iAUC).
Relative bioavailability of GS ...... ion as compared to IV infusion
Change from baseline of 24 hour creatinine clearance (Single Dose)
Acute success rate of pulmonar ...... on line around pulmonary veins
dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) of ponatinib during consolidation 1 with HDAC or IDAC
To compare the effect of telit ...... s at the end of therapy visit.
Monitor and assess whether Pul ...... abs, meds to analyze progress.
Adverse Events That Meet Dose-limiting Toxicity Criteria Specified in Protocol.
Number of Patients With Human ...... (RNA) Viral Load <50 Copies/mL
Part A: 1. The GSK256073 AUC ...... hip for changes in HDLc levels
Change in whole body protein balance
Dose of patient-controlled sedation/analgesia consumed