Object property added along wi ...... hasRuleType object property.
changed the superproperty IRI.
scope note: added.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... in RiC-O 0.1 was "receives").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "precedes").
changed the inverse property I ...... rresponding CML component name
changed the scope note.
change the inverse property IRI.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... n RiC-O 0.1 was "receivedBy").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "hasCoordinates").
Changed the IRI, label, textua ...... ced by Record or Record Part).
changed the superproperty IRI.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... C-O 0.1 was "hasConstituent").
fixed the CM corresponding component name.
changed the super property IRI.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... in RiC-O 0.1 was "resultsIn").
changed the IRI, label, textua ...... 0.1 was "hasFamilyLinkWith").
Object property added for hand ...... attributes).
changed the superproperty IRI.
Comment: updated. Scope note: ...... -O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Object property added for hand ...... attributes).
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "isCategoryOf").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "isNameOf").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... RiC-O 0.1 was "regulatedBy").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... n RiC-O 0.1 was "hasSubject").
changed the superproperty IRI.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "belongsToCategory").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "existsIn").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "isDemographicGroupOf").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "describes").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "hasPhysicalLocation").
Object property added for hand ...... attributes).
Scope note: made separate paragraphs.
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in RiC-CM 0.2
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "isCorporateBodyTypeOf").
Object property added for hand ...... attributes).
Added a scope note.
Class added along with hasRule ...... properties.
Object property added along wi ...... entifierType object property.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs plus very few changes.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... 0.1 was "isUnderAuthorityOf").
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in RiC-CM 0.2
Comment: updated. Scope note: ...... -O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "isAgentNameOf").
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "hasOccupationOfType").
Comment: updated. Scope note: ...... -O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... in RiC-O 0.1 was "isPartOf").
changed the superproperty IRI
Removed one Restriction.
changed the IRI, label, invers ...... "controlledBy").