Any physical body at the biolo ...... nstituted by chemical objects.
Any physical body at the chemical granularity level.
The time interval of duration of a perdurant.
The transitive proper part rel ...... disconnected physical places.
A physical place whose spatial quality is q-located in geographical coordinates.
A non-physical place, generically dependent on some (physical) geographical object.
Perdurant presence (happening) ...... ated at a point in one's life.
A quality space used as a refe ...... ally "counted by" some number.
A non-agentive figure (e.g. It ...... lly depend on physical places.
A physical body is a non-agent ...... al, physical, biological, etc.
A placeholder for physical obj ...... .g. wrt their spatial quality.
A geographical place, conventionally accepted by a community.
A relation for composing regio ...... represent a measurement space.
Some classes used to map DOLCE ...... L engineering by Aldo Gangemi.
A role defined (not just used! ...... mitive in this version of DLP.
A role only played by collections.
A role played by some substance or object within a commercial transaction description.
A binding agreement that is possibly enforceable by law.
A relation to compose a qualit ...... have been chosen) to a region.
A political geographic object ...... ies can change their borders).
The information realized by an ...... mapping purpose from WordNet.
A role played by some feature of a physical object.
Amount of matter playing a typically 'functional' role at some time in some situation.
Similar to a generic annotatio ...... ible with an ontology project.
A role played by assets involved in a legal possession description.
This is a role (e.g. closed ar ...... pending on a physical object).
A regulation having a cognitive modal description as part.
Formerly: (non-) agentive temp ...... ve objects from a 4D ontology.
A placeholder for some roles i ...... les. More work is needed here.
A feature related to spatial properties.
A role played by some substance.