has respondent
has identifier for work
has appellee corporate body
has degree granting institution
has hosting institution
has production company
has appellant corporate body
has plaintiff corporate body
has court governed
has film director agent
has radio director agent
has television director agent
is dramatized as work
has enacting jurisdiction
is part of work
has sequel work
is replaced in part by work
is replaced by work
is adapted in verse as work
has coordinates of cartographic content
is adapted as motion picture work
has cadenza work
is variations based on work
is modified by variation as work
is cadenza composed for work
is libretto for work
has incidental music work
is remade as work
is set to music as work
is adapted as novel work
has appellee person
has medium
has degree supervisor
has appellant person
has plaintiff person
has judge
has praeses
has issuing body agent
has other agent associated with work (Deprecated)
has dedicator agent
has honouree agent of work
has programmer agent
has designer agent
has cartographer agent of work
has composer agent of work
has inventor agent
has compiler agent
has photographer agent of work
has interviewer agent of work
has artist agent