English, Italian, Spanish defi ...... ilingual text not yet updated.
English definition updated in ...... the Czech one and Italian one.
2020-03-16 A new scopenote added and need to be translated
Incluída en DCAT para compleme ...... es el rango es prov:hadRole).
Introdotta in DCAT per complet ...... el codominio di prov:hadRole).
Introduced into DCAT to comple ...... as the range of prov:hadRole).
Introduceret i DCAT for at sup ...... rækkevidde for prov:hadRole).
Přidáno do DCAT pro doplnění t ...... dnot vlastnosti prov:hadRole).
Agregada en DCAT para compleme ...... con dominio prov:Association.
Introdotta in DCAT per complet ...... l dominio di prov:Association.
Introduced into DCAT to comple ...... he domain of prov:Association.
Introduceret i DCAT for at sup ...... med domænet prov:Association).
Přidáno do DCAT pro doplnění v ...... čním oborem prov:Association).
English language definitions u ...... lingual text unevenly updated.
Status: English Definition tex ...... s for other languages pending.
rdfs:label, rdfs:comment and s ...... t for Italian must be updated.
Status: English Definition tex ...... d, other translations pending.
Status: English Definition tex ...... d, other translations pending.
Status: English Definition tex ...... r Italian, Spanish and Czech).
Status: English Definition te ...... d, other translations pending.
rdfs:label, rdfs:comment and/o ...... lish versions must be updated.
Status: English Definition tex ...... nconsistency on def vs. usage.
Introdotta in DCAT per integrare le altre relazioni qualificate di PROV.
Introduced into DCAT to complement the other PROV qualified relations.
Introduceret i DCAT med henbli ...... ficerede relationer fra PROV.
Přidáno do DCAT k doplnění jiných kvalifikovaných vztahů ze slovníku PROV.
Se incluyó en DCAT para complementar las relaciones calificadas disponibles en PROV.
Status: English, Italian, Span ...... m, other translations pending.
Kan optræde i forbindelse med ...... ivet et domæne for egenskaben.
Might appear in the descriptio ...... on, so no domain is specified.
Může se vyskytnout v popisu Da ...... l specifikován definiční obor.
Kan optræde i forbindelse med ...... ivet et domæne for egenskaben.
Might appear in the descriptio ...... on, so no domain is specified.
Může se vyskytnout v popisu Da ...... l specifikován definiční obor.
Status: English Definition tex ...... zech translations are pending.