'Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen and Dave

Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen and Dave (often written Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen + Dave or Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen & Dave) was a reality television show produced by Fernando Hernández for Music Television. It followed the lives of Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro through the events leading up to their anything-but-traditional wedding, culminating with the marriage ceremony and reception. The show first aired on MTV on January 21, 2004 and ran for 7 episodes. The final episode aired on March 3, 2004.

'Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen and Dave

Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen and Dave (often written Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen + Dave or Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen & Dave) was a reality television show produced by Fernando Hernández for Music Television. It followed the lives of Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro through the events leading up to their anything-but-traditional wedding, culminating with the marriage ceremony and reception. The show first aired on MTV on January 21, 2004 and ran for 7 episodes. The final episode aired on March 3, 2004.