(84922) 2003 VS2

(84922) 2003 VS2 is a trans-Neptunian object discovered by the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking program on November 14, 2003. Like Pluto, it is in a 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune, giving it the orbital properties of a plutino. Mike Brown's website lists it as highly likely a dwarf planet. However, Brown assumed that VS2 was much bigger than it really is, and the light-curve analysis has questioned whether it would truly be in the hydrostatic equilibrium.

(84922) 2003 VS2

(84922) 2003 VS2 is a trans-Neptunian object discovered by the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking program on November 14, 2003. Like Pluto, it is in a 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune, giving it the orbital properties of a plutino. Mike Brown's website lists it as highly likely a dwarf planet. However, Brown assumed that VS2 was much bigger than it really is, and the light-curve analysis has questioned whether it would truly be in the hydrostatic equilibrium.