(Evening) Time to Get Away

"(Evening) Time to Get Away" (sometimes referred to as simply "Time to Get Away") is part of a song from The Moody Blues 1967 album Days of Future Passed, a concept album with each song representing a part of the day. It was unlisted on the original album, but it has been listed on many reissues. The composition was written by bassist John Lodge, and is one of two compositions written by Lodge for Days of Future Passed, the other being "Peak Hour." As the title suggests, the lyrics are about ending the work day and returning home. "(Evening) Time to Get Away" is part two of the track "Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)", which also contains the Justin Hayward song "Tuesday Afternoon."

(Evening) Time to Get Away

"(Evening) Time to Get Away" (sometimes referred to as simply "Time to Get Away") is part of a song from The Moody Blues 1967 album Days of Future Passed, a concept album with each song representing a part of the day. It was unlisted on the original album, but it has been listed on many reissues. The composition was written by bassist John Lodge, and is one of two compositions written by Lodge for Days of Future Passed, the other being "Peak Hour." As the title suggests, the lyrics are about ending the work day and returning home. "(Evening) Time to Get Away" is part two of the track "Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?)", which also contains the Justin Hayward song "Tuesday Afternoon."