...It Just Is

...It Just Is (subtitled: In Memoriam: Jhonn Balance) is a compilation tribute album to John Balance. The album features the debut of Peter Christopherson's group The Threshold HouseBoys Choir. The album is a double CD. The majority of the songs are covers, remixes, or reference Coil songs. The image on the cover was created from the Hieronymus Bosch painting Christ Child with a Walking Frame.

...It Just Is

...It Just Is (subtitled: In Memoriam: Jhonn Balance) is a compilation tribute album to John Balance. The album features the debut of Peter Christopherson's group The Threshold HouseBoys Choir. The album is a double CD. The majority of the songs are covers, remixes, or reference Coil songs. The image on the cover was created from the Hieronymus Bosch painting Christ Child with a Walking Frame.