
.dk is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Denmark. The supervision of the .dk top-level domain is handled exclusively by DK Hostmaster. Any new .dk domain name has to be applied for via an approved registrator. Then the domain name applicant can ask the registrator to manage his domain name or have it managed directly by the DK Hostmaster. Registrations of domain names with the characters æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü, and é are also allowed.


.dk is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Denmark. The supervision of the .dk top-level domain is handled exclusively by DK Hostmaster. Any new .dk domain name has to be applied for via an approved registrator. Then the domain name applicant can ask the registrator to manage his domain name or have it managed directly by the DK Hostmaster. Registrations of domain names with the characters æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü, and é are also allowed.