
.fi is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Finland. It is operated by FICORA, the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority. On December 4, 1986, an application to register top level domain for Finland was sent by Finnish Unix Users Group from Tampere. The application was accepted and the administration of .fi TLD was granted to Tampere University of Technology. Later the administration was transferred first to FICIX and later to FICORA.


.fi is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Finland. It is operated by FICORA, the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority. On December 4, 1986, an application to register top level domain for Finland was sent by Finnish Unix Users Group from Tampere. The application was accepted and the administration of .fi TLD was granted to Tampere University of Technology. Later the administration was transferred first to FICIX and later to FICORA.