1-800 Contacts

1-800 Contacts is a company based in Draper, Utah, United States, that sells contact lenses, including Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Ciba Vision, Bausch & Lomb and CooperVision brands. The company was incorporated in 1995. In 2006, its last year as a public company, the company reported net sales of US$ 247 million. In 2008, 1-800 CONTACTS entered into a partnership with Wal-Mart, which ended in 2013. In June 2012, WellPoint acquired 1-800 Contacts from Fenway Partners. Thomas H. Lee Partners acquired the company in 2014. In 2015, AEA Investors acquired majority ownership.

1-800 Contacts

1-800 Contacts is a company based in Draper, Utah, United States, that sells contact lenses, including Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Ciba Vision, Bausch & Lomb and CooperVision brands. The company was incorporated in 1995. In 2006, its last year as a public company, the company reported net sales of US$ 247 million. In 2008, 1-800 CONTACTS entered into a partnership with Wal-Mart, which ended in 2013. In June 2012, WellPoint acquired 1-800 Contacts from Fenway Partners. Thomas H. Lee Partners acquired the company in 2014. In 2015, AEA Investors acquired majority ownership.