111 Tauri

111 Tauri is a wide binary star system in the constellation Taurus. It is located at a distance of about 47 light years from the Sun. Primary component A is a main sequence star with a stellar classification of F8V. The secondary component B (Gliese 201) is a K-type main sequence star. It is larger and more luminous than the Sun, with about 130% of the Sun's radius and 185% of the Sun's luminosity. The apparent magnitude of 5.1 indicates it is a faint star that can be viewed by the naked eye under good, dark-sky conditions.

111 Tauri

111 Tauri is a wide binary star system in the constellation Taurus. It is located at a distance of about 47 light years from the Sun. Primary component A is a main sequence star with a stellar classification of F8V. The secondary component B (Gliese 201) is a K-type main sequence star. It is larger and more luminous than the Sun, with about 130% of the Sun's radius and 185% of the Sun's luminosity. The apparent magnitude of 5.1 indicates it is a faint star that can be viewed by the naked eye under good, dark-sky conditions.