113 Amalthea

113 Amalthea is a fairly typical rocky main-belt asteroid orbiting in the inner regions of the belt. It was discovered by R. Luther on March 12, 1871. The name comes from Amalthea of Greek mythology. One of Jupiter's inner small satellites, unrelated to 113 Amalthea, is also called Amalthea, as is an (apparently fictional) small Arjuna asteroid in Neal Stephenson's 2015 novel Seveneves.

113 Amalthea

113 Amalthea is a fairly typical rocky main-belt asteroid orbiting in the inner regions of the belt. It was discovered by R. Luther on March 12, 1871. The name comes from Amalthea of Greek mythology. One of Jupiter's inner small satellites, unrelated to 113 Amalthea, is also called Amalthea, as is an (apparently fictional) small Arjuna asteroid in Neal Stephenson's 2015 novel Seveneves.