11755 Paczynski

11755 Paczynski (2691 P-L) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 24, 1960, by C. J. van Houten and I. van Houten-Groeneveld on Palomar Schmidt plates taken by T. Gehrels. Polish-born astrophysicist Bohdan Paczyński (b. 1940), at Princeton University since 1982, is known for his theoretical work on gamma ray bursters---he was an early proponent of their being at cosmological distances---and for leading searches for gravitational lensing by low-mass stars and substellar objects.

11755 Paczynski

11755 Paczynski (2691 P-L) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 24, 1960, by C. J. van Houten and I. van Houten-Groeneveld on Palomar Schmidt plates taken by T. Gehrels. Polish-born astrophysicist Bohdan Paczyński (b. 1940), at Princeton University since 1982, is known for his theoretical work on gamma ray bursters---he was an early proponent of their being at cosmological distances---and for leading searches for gravitational lensing by low-mass stars and substellar objects.