11 Leonis Minoris

11 Leonis Minoris (11 LMi) is a star system located 37 light years away from Earth, in the northern constellation of Leo Minor. The primary component is a G-type main sequence star of spectral type G8V, which is slightly more massive but slightly dimmer than Sol. This is an RS Canum Venaticorum variable star with its luminosity varying by 0.033 magnitudes over a period of 18 days. Compared to the Sun, it has more than double the abundance of elements more massive than helium—what astronomers term the star's metallicity.

11 Leonis Minoris

11 Leonis Minoris (11 LMi) is a star system located 37 light years away from Earth, in the northern constellation of Leo Minor. The primary component is a G-type main sequence star of spectral type G8V, which is slightly more massive but slightly dimmer than Sol. This is an RS Canum Venaticorum variable star with its luminosity varying by 0.033 magnitudes over a period of 18 days. Compared to the Sun, it has more than double the abundance of elements more massive than helium—what astronomers term the star's metallicity.