1492: Conquest of Paradise

1492: Conquest of Paradise is an epic 1992 adventure/drama film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Roselyne Bosch, which tells the fictionalized story of the discovery of the New World by the Genoan explorer Christopher Columbus (Gérard Depardieu) and the effect this had on the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The film was released by Paramount to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus' voyage. The premiere debuted at almost the exact same time as Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, often leading to confusion between the two films.

1492: Conquest of Paradise

1492: Conquest of Paradise is an epic 1992 adventure/drama film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Roselyne Bosch, which tells the fictionalized story of the discovery of the New World by the Genoan explorer Christopher Columbus (Gérard Depardieu) and the effect this had on the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The film was released by Paramount to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus' voyage. The premiere debuted at almost the exact same time as Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, often leading to confusion between the two films.