153 Avenue, Edmonton

153 Avenue is a major arterial road in north Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is currently separated between by an industrial subdivision that has been rezoned for residential, at Manning Drive and Fort Road. As 153 Avenue runs east, the city runs out of street numbers at rural grid road Meridian (1) Street, so a quadrant system has been put in place by increasing the numbers again in the NE quadrant. Addresses on 33 Street and east have been encouraged to include NW to avoid confusion with addresses in the NE quadrant, specifically 17 Street, as NW and NE are both major arteries.

153 Avenue, Edmonton

153 Avenue is a major arterial road in north Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is currently separated between by an industrial subdivision that has been rezoned for residential, at Manning Drive and Fort Road. As 153 Avenue runs east, the city runs out of street numbers at rural grid road Meridian (1) Street, so a quadrant system has been put in place by increasing the numbers again in the NE quadrant. Addresses on 33 Street and east have been encouraged to include NW to avoid confusion with addresses in the NE quadrant, specifically 17 Street, as NW and NE are both major arteries.