182 Elsa

182 Elsa is a Main belt asteroid that was discovered by Johann Palisa on February 7, 1878. The origin of the name is uncertain; it may be named after the character in the legend of Lohengrin perpetuated by Richard Wagner's opera of the same name. Based upon its spectrum, it is classified as a stony S-type asteroid. During 2002, 109 Felicitas was observed by radar from the Arecibo Observatory. The return signal matched an effective diameter of 44 ± 10 km. This is consistent with the asteroid dimensions computed through other means.

182 Elsa

182 Elsa is a Main belt asteroid that was discovered by Johann Palisa on February 7, 1878. The origin of the name is uncertain; it may be named after the character in the legend of Lohengrin perpetuated by Richard Wagner's opera of the same name. Based upon its spectrum, it is classified as a stony S-type asteroid. During 2002, 109 Felicitas was observed by radar from the Arecibo Observatory. The return signal matched an effective diameter of 44 ± 10 km. This is consistent with the asteroid dimensions computed through other means.