1904 University of Florida Blue and White football team

The 1904 University of Florida White and Blue football team represented the University of Florida in the sport of American football during the 1904 college football season. This was not the modern Florida Gators of the University of Florida in Gainesville, which begins in 1906, but one of its four predecessor institutions: a school previously known as Florida Agricultural College, based in Lake City. The team played several major colleges, including Mike Donahue's first year coaching Auburn and John Heisman's first coaching Georgia Tech, failing to post a win. Only a single first down was scored on Tech.

1904 University of Florida Blue and White football team

The 1904 University of Florida White and Blue football team represented the University of Florida in the sport of American football during the 1904 college football season. This was not the modern Florida Gators of the University of Florida in Gainesville, which begins in 1906, but one of its four predecessor institutions: a school previously known as Florida Agricultural College, based in Lake City. The team played several major colleges, including Mike Donahue's first year coaching Auburn and John Heisman's first coaching Georgia Tech, failing to post a win. Only a single first down was scored on Tech.