1914–1918 Inter-Allied Victory medal (France)

The 1914–1918 Inter-Allied Victory medal (French: "Médaille Interalliée de la Victoire 1914–1918") was a French commemorative medal established 20 July 1922. It was awarded to all soldiers who served three months, consecutive or not, between 2 August 1914 and 11 November 1918 in the war zone. It was also awarded to civilian nurses, aliens (civilian or military) who served directly under French command, Marshals and generals who had a command for at least three months, prisoners of war from Alsace and Lorraine (region). Article 10 of the establishing law states: "The award of the medal is also acquired by military members who were killed by the enemy or died from wounds of war and those (....) who died of disease or injury incurred in service."

1914–1918 Inter-Allied Victory medal (France)

The 1914–1918 Inter-Allied Victory medal (French: "Médaille Interalliée de la Victoire 1914–1918") was a French commemorative medal established 20 July 1922. It was awarded to all soldiers who served three months, consecutive or not, between 2 August 1914 and 11 November 1918 in the war zone. It was also awarded to civilian nurses, aliens (civilian or military) who served directly under French command, Marshals and generals who had a command for at least three months, prisoners of war from Alsace and Lorraine (region). Article 10 of the establishing law states: "The award of the medal is also acquired by military members who were killed by the enemy or died from wounds of war and those (....) who died of disease or injury incurred in service."