1941 Oklahoma City vs. Youngstown football game

The 1941 Oklahoma City vs. Youngstown football game was a college football game between the Oklahoma City University Goldbugs and the Youngstown College Penguins (now called Youngstown State University) played on October 16, 1941. The game was played in Rayen Stadium in Youngstown, Ohio. The game marks the first use of the penalty flag in American football. Youngstown was highly favored against Oklahoma City in the press, based on their undefeated record up to that point. Youngstown defeated Oklahoma City by a score of 48 to 7.

1941 Oklahoma City vs. Youngstown football game

The 1941 Oklahoma City vs. Youngstown football game was a college football game between the Oklahoma City University Goldbugs and the Youngstown College Penguins (now called Youngstown State University) played on October 16, 1941. The game was played in Rayen Stadium in Youngstown, Ohio. The game marks the first use of the penalty flag in American football. Youngstown was highly favored against Oklahoma City in the press, based on their undefeated record up to that point. Youngstown defeated Oklahoma City by a score of 48 to 7.