2000-watt society

The 2000-watt society is an environmental vision, first introduced in 1998 by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich), which pictures the average First World citizen reducing their overall average primary energy usage to no more than 2,000 watts (48 kilowatt-hours per day) by the year 2050 – and without lowering their standard of living. The concept addresses not only personal or household energy use, but the total for the whole society, including embodied energy, divided by the population.

2000-watt society

The 2000-watt society is an environmental vision, first introduced in 1998 by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich), which pictures the average First World citizen reducing their overall average primary energy usage to no more than 2,000 watts (48 kilowatt-hours per day) by the year 2050 – and without lowering their standard of living. The concept addresses not only personal or household energy use, but the total for the whole society, including embodied energy, divided by the population.