2006 RJ103

2006 RJ103 (also written 2006 RJ103) is a Neptune trojan discovered by the SDSS Collaboration in 2006. It was the fifth such body to be discovered. It has the same orbital period as Neptune and orbits at the L4 Lagrangian point about 60 degrees ahead of Neptune As of 2016, it is 30.3 AU from Neptune. With an absolute magnitude of 7.5, it has a diameter in the range of 85 to 190 km.

2006 RJ103

2006 RJ103 (also written 2006 RJ103) is a Neptune trojan discovered by the SDSS Collaboration in 2006. It was the fifth such body to be discovered. It has the same orbital period as Neptune and orbits at the L4 Lagrangian point about 60 degrees ahead of Neptune As of 2016, it is 30.3 AU from Neptune. With an absolute magnitude of 7.5, it has a diameter in the range of 85 to 190 km.