2010 GB174

2010 GB174 is a detached object. It never gets closer than 48.5 AU from the Sun (about the outer edge of the Kuiper belt). Its large eccentricity strongly suggests that it was gravitationally scattered onto its current orbit. It is, like all detached objects, outside the current influence of Neptune, so how it got its current orbit is unknown. 2010 GB174 has the third highest Tisserand parameter relative to Jupiter of any Trans-Neptunian object, after Sedna and 2012 VP113. It has not been observed since 2012. It comes to opposition 27 March 2016 in the constellation of Virgo.

2010 GB174

2010 GB174 is a detached object. It never gets closer than 48.5 AU from the Sun (about the outer edge of the Kuiper belt). Its large eccentricity strongly suggests that it was gravitationally scattered onto its current orbit. It is, like all detached objects, outside the current influence of Neptune, so how it got its current orbit is unknown. 2010 GB174 has the third highest Tisserand parameter relative to Jupiter of any Trans-Neptunian object, after Sedna and 2012 VP113. It has not been observed since 2012. It comes to opposition 27 March 2016 in the constellation of Virgo.