2013 protests in Kosovo

The 2013 protests began in Pristina, Kosovo after people started to receive high electricity bills. Sparked by comments in social media, on February more than 1000 people gathered in front of Kosovo's Electricity Corporation building. The protests continued in the next several weeks, eventually turning into a protest against corruption. Some of the main slogans from the protest where "KEK pumping bills", "No country with thieves" and "Stop the theft, develop the state". Government responded with great caution during the protests, promising fulfillment of all requirements set by protesters.

2013 protests in Kosovo

The 2013 protests began in Pristina, Kosovo after people started to receive high electricity bills. Sparked by comments in social media, on February more than 1000 people gathered in front of Kosovo's Electricity Corporation building. The protests continued in the next several weeks, eventually turning into a protest against corruption. Some of the main slogans from the protest where "KEK pumping bills", "No country with thieves" and "Stop the theft, develop the state". Government responded with great caution during the protests, promising fulfillment of all requirements set by protesters.