2014 OE394

2014 OE394 is a large Cubewano in the Kuiper belt that was discovered in July 2014 by the Pan-STARRS-1 telescope, and announced on July 17, 2016. It is one of the brighter Trans-Neptunian objects, being the 34th brightest Cubewano as of 23 July 2016. Its exact size is unknown, but is most likely between 240 and 730 kilometers across. Mike Brown's website lists it as a "possible" dwarf planet, with an estimated diameter of 337 kilometers.

2014 OE394

2014 OE394 is a large Cubewano in the Kuiper belt that was discovered in July 2014 by the Pan-STARRS-1 telescope, and announced on July 17, 2016. It is one of the brighter Trans-Neptunian objects, being the 34th brightest Cubewano as of 23 July 2016. Its exact size is unknown, but is most likely between 240 and 730 kilometers across. Mike Brown's website lists it as a "possible" dwarf planet, with an estimated diameter of 337 kilometers.