22577 Alfiuccio

22577 Alfiuccio, provisional designation 1998 HT51, is a stony Flora asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 2.4 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 30 April 1998, by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search (LONEOS) at the U.S. Anderson Mesa Station in Flagstaff, Arizona. The minor planet was named in memory of Alfio "Alfiuccio" Grasso (1992–2004) who died in a hunting accident on the slopes of Mount Etna, Italy. The body's name was proposed by C. Blanco and M. Di Martino. Naming citation was published on 6 August 2009 (M.P.C. 66725).

22577 Alfiuccio

22577 Alfiuccio, provisional designation 1998 HT51, is a stony Flora asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 2.4 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 30 April 1998, by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search (LONEOS) at the U.S. Anderson Mesa Station in Flagstaff, Arizona. The minor planet was named in memory of Alfio "Alfiuccio" Grasso (1992–2004) who died in a hunting accident on the slopes of Mount Etna, Italy. The body's name was proposed by C. Blanco and M. Di Martino. Naming citation was published on 6 August 2009 (M.P.C. 66725).