27th Mountain Infantry Brigade (France)

The 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade (French: 27e Brigade d'Infanterie de Montagne, 27e BIM) is a mountain infantry formation of the French Army. It is heir to the traditions of the 27th Alpine Division, the division alpine FFI créée in 1944,which became the 27th division alpine' (27th DA) in 1945, then the 27th division d'infanterie alpine 27th DIA, and then the 27th division d'infanterie de montagne (27th DIM). Disbanded after 1945, it was reformed in 1976 as a division, but with the end of conscription, all of the French Army's divisions were disbanded and the 27th became a brigade in 1996.

27th Mountain Infantry Brigade (France)

The 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade (French: 27e Brigade d'Infanterie de Montagne, 27e BIM) is a mountain infantry formation of the French Army. It is heir to the traditions of the 27th Alpine Division, the division alpine FFI créée in 1944,which became the 27th division alpine' (27th DA) in 1945, then the 27th division d'infanterie alpine 27th DIA, and then the 27th division d'infanterie de montagne (27th DIM). Disbanded after 1945, it was reformed in 1976 as a division, but with the end of conscription, all of the French Army's divisions were disbanded and the 27th became a brigade in 1996.