2 Camelopardalis

2 Camelopardalis is a trinary star system in the constellation Camelopardalis located approximately 44.46 parsecs (145.0 ly) distant. With a combined apparent magnitude of 5.38, the system can easily be seen with the naked eye under good conditions. The primary-secondary pair, of which the primary is a blue-white main-sequence star, is separated from the tertiary by approximately an arc second, making it very difficult to resolve. A nearby star is likely to be a member of the system as well, bringing the total number of stars to four.

2 Camelopardalis

2 Camelopardalis is a trinary star system in the constellation Camelopardalis located approximately 44.46 parsecs (145.0 ly) distant. With a combined apparent magnitude of 5.38, the system can easily be seen with the naked eye under good conditions. The primary-secondary pair, of which the primary is a blue-white main-sequence star, is separated from the tertiary by approximately an arc second, making it very difficult to resolve. A nearby star is likely to be a member of the system as well, bringing the total number of stars to four.