35 Shots of Rum

35 Shots of Rum (French: 35 Rhums) is a 2008 film, directed by Claire Denis, the French filmmaker. It made its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival, and was shown outside of competition at the Venice Film Festival. It was later released to limited theaters in 2009. Claire Denis was in part inspired by Yasujirō Ozu's Late Spring.

35 Shots of Rum

35 Shots of Rum (French: 35 Rhums) is a 2008 film, directed by Claire Denis, the French filmmaker. It made its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival, and was shown outside of competition at the Venice Film Festival. It was later released to limited theaters in 2009. Claire Denis was in part inspired by Yasujirō Ozu's Late Spring.