3 Percenters

The Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers", "III%ers"; also "3 Percenters Club", "3 Percenters Movement") are a self-described patriot movement, which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding any restriction of the United States Constitution. They have described themselves as a group whose primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights. They have been characterized as being ideologically similar to the Oath Keepers.

3 Percenters

The Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers", "III%ers"; also "3 Percenters Club", "3 Percenters Movement") are a self-described patriot movement, which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding any restriction of the United States Constitution. They have described themselves as a group whose primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights. They have been characterized as being ideologically similar to the Oath Keepers.