3rd Super Robot Wars

3rd Super Robot Wars (第3次スーパーロボット大戦) was the third game in a series, the second in the "classic" canon, and the first on the Super Famicom, published on July 23, 1993. Along with 2nd and EX, 3rd Super Robot Wars was released on the Sony PlayStation in June 10, 1999 as part of Super Robot Wars Complete Box and June 22, 1999 as a stand-alone port.

3rd Super Robot Wars

3rd Super Robot Wars (第3次スーパーロボット大戦) was the third game in a series, the second in the "classic" canon, and the first on the Super Famicom, published on July 23, 1993. Along with 2nd and EX, 3rd Super Robot Wars was released on the Sony PlayStation in June 10, 1999 as part of Super Robot Wars Complete Box and June 22, 1999 as a stand-alone port.