4525 Johnbauer

4525 Johnbauer (1982 JB3) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on May 15, 1982 by Eugene Shoemaker, P. D. Wilder and Eleanor Helin at Palomar. It is named after John Bauer (1931–2002), who taught Astronomy and Physics at San Diego City College (1962 - 2002) for almost 40 years.

4525 Johnbauer

4525 Johnbauer (1982 JB3) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on May 15, 1982 by Eugene Shoemaker, P. D. Wilder and Eleanor Helin at Palomar. It is named after John Bauer (1931–2002), who taught Astronomy and Physics at San Diego City College (1962 - 2002) for almost 40 years.