4Chosen: The Documentary

4CHOSEN: The Documentary is a 2008 documentary film narrated by Montel Williams. It was written and directed by Jon Doscher, and produced by Doscher and Fran Ganguzza. The film is about the aftermath of an incident that occurred April 23, 1998 on the New Jersey Turnpike. Four young men from New York were traveling on the turnpike on their way to a basketball talent showcase in North Carolina when they were pulled over by two state troopers and shot at thirteen times. The film documents the court proceedings and the investigation of the New Jersey State Police (NJSP), and interviews indicate government corruption during former Governor Christine Todd Whitman's administration. The four basketball players were represented by attorney David Ironman, and supported by Reverend Al Sharpton and Jo

4Chosen: The Documentary

4CHOSEN: The Documentary is a 2008 documentary film narrated by Montel Williams. It was written and directed by Jon Doscher, and produced by Doscher and Fran Ganguzza. The film is about the aftermath of an incident that occurred April 23, 1998 on the New Jersey Turnpike. Four young men from New York were traveling on the turnpike on their way to a basketball talent showcase in North Carolina when they were pulled over by two state troopers and shot at thirteen times. The film documents the court proceedings and the investigation of the New Jersey State Police (NJSP), and interviews indicate government corruption during former Governor Christine Todd Whitman's administration. The four basketball players were represented by attorney David Ironman, and supported by Reverend Al Sharpton and Jo